The regular summit of the CIS member states in Moscow traditionally featured a series of events – bilateral dialogues, thematic and multi-format talks on issues of interest, meetings in a “narrow” format. And yet the main event was the plenary session at which the leaders of the states set out their positions on issues that they regard as the most pressing for the work within the CIS, its prospects and areas of joint work. Addressing the summit participants, the President of Turkmenistan noted that for the CIS the current year is noted for the fulfilment of a number of key priorities and tasks. These include strengthening security and stability, deepening economic partnership and expanding humanitarian ties. Rating the interaction as progressive and dynamic, he emphasized the importance of the maximum use of the CIS cumulative potential for the implementation of the agreements reached and new goals dictated by current changes and trends in the international political and economic life. In this context, Turkmenistan believes that continuation of joint work to ensure lasting peace and stability in the CIS should be the determining factor. This can be achieved by pursuing an agreed approach to the further strengthening of the mechanisms of political and diplomatic interaction within the CIS, standing for peace and security in the global arena and through the major international organizations. Countering new challenges and threats is particularly urgent these days. This refers, first of all, to such serious risks as biological danger, cybercrime and illegal use of information platforms. Serdar Berdimuhamedov called for more active, coordinated and structured approaches to these phenomena, development of mechanisms for protection against attempts to exert destructive influence on state institutions and public life and targeted measures to suppress attempts of penetration of radical elements and stirring hostility and intolerance. As is known, next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the UN. This is a major milestone. It is obvious that the CIS as a partner of the UN needs to do a lot of work aimed at strengthening the international organization, supporting and uniting member states around the UN Charter, countering attempts to discredit and erode its functions, the President of Turkmenistan noted. In this regard, Turkmenistan believes that holding events next year to mark the International Year of Peace and Trust in accordance with the resolution adopted by the UNGA at the initiative of Ashgabat should be an important part of joint work. Given the current challenges, it is obvious that solid, significant work within the framework of the Year of Peace and Trust can make a significant constructive contribution to improving the situation in the world, give political and moral impulses to all healthy forces advocating for normalization, de-escalation, transition to respectful, predictable dialogue and communication. The CIS is called upon and should play a prominent role in this. Speaking about economic issues, Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Government held in Ashgabat in May this year and the agreements reached there on the further deepening of partnership. The priorities include transportation, energy, industrial cooperation and a number of other areas. In general, in Turkmenistan’s opinion, the CIS in its activities should focus on the major trends in the global geo-economy to ensure its strategic involvement and structural orientation. The shift of the vector of economic development to the south and southeast is the essence of these trends today. The CIS is a natural space in this irreversible movement. One of the effective ways is for the CIS to participate in international and regional projects to the south and southeast of the CIS borders, given the fact that there appear more opportunities for this. In September this year, Turkmenistan started the implementation of a new stage of construction of large infrastructure facilities. There started the construction of the Afghan part of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline. The Afghan section of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission line and the fiber-optic communication line was launched. The construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan railway line through the territory of the neighboring country was launched. “Participation of the CIS countries in these and other similar promising projects is the right and reliable way to reach the strategic perspective,” Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted. He called on the CIS countries to fully utilize their combined resources and potential. Turkmenistan attaches special importance to the cooperation of the CIS countries in the project of the North-South transport corridor along the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea with further access to Iran and further to the Indian Ocean seaports, as well as through the territory of Central Asia and the Caspian region along the East-West line. Turkmenistan is ready to take the most active part in these projects. In the energy sector, Turkmenistan also advocates for expanding the volumes and geography of energy supplies across the CIS and beyond. This concerns both raw materials and electricity supplies. Ashgabat is committed to constructive cooperation, taking into account Turkmenistan’s existing capacities. Turkmenistan believes that creation of conditions in the CIS for the establishment of economic and production clusters based on low-carbon energy is an important component of the partnership. This is a promising task, but it is necessary to start implementing it now, using for this purpose the serious scientific and technological potential that exists in the CIS, creating conditions for joint research and practical cooperation. Against the backdrop of the complex current processes in various parts of the globe, Serdar Berdimuhamedov said it is the task, responsibility and mission of the CIS countries to preserve the traditions of good-neighborliness, mutual understanding and respect based on historical ties and basic values that unite the peoples of the CIS. Broad and multifaceted cultural cooperation, participation of the CIS countries in major events on significant occasions are an effective way to preserve and develop these traditions. Being an associate member of the CIS, Turkmenistan always actively and effectively participates in its activities from the position of a neutral state. The Moscow summit confirmed Ashgabat’s constructive attitude to further development and strengthening of cooperation, openness to discussing and implementing joint plans, solving urgent problems on the principles of equality, mutual respect and consideration of everyone’s interests. This approach is clearly understood and supported by other CIS countries, making it possible to focus on building the parameters of partnership in political and diplomatic, economic and many other areas.