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There is hardly a person in Turkmenistan who is not familiar with the songs by People’s Artist Annagul Gurdova. It will not be an exaggeration to say that more than one generation of citizens of Turkmenistan was raised listening to her songs. She devoted almost all her adult life to singing and continues to delight her many fans, including those from the young generation. “I live because I sing. I can’t imagine my life without singing,” Annagul said.
The Turkmen pop star was born in Ashgabat, the city that became her destiny, to which she became attached with all her heart. The girl’s talent was noticed by her parents in early childhood, when she, when hearing music, began to sway to the beat. At the age of three, Annagul was already singing verses from national songs, which she reproduced on hearing.
All the neighbors knew about Annagul’s talents. The singer fondly recalls the time when the older lads staged performances in a multi-apartment multinational Ashgabat courtyard. They built theater sets, made costumes, distributed tickets for their performances, and in between acts they put little singer Annushka (that’s how they called Annagul) onto an improvised stage. Neighbors willingly purchased tickets, took their stools with them and watched the children’s performances.
The atmosphere of the Ashgabat courtyard, where people were pure in soul and open to communication, settled forever in the singer’s heart. It is no coincidence that Annagul prefers human, live communication to virtual communication. She basically does not use the Internet. Even when meeting strangers in a store or a marketplace who recognize and greet her, the singer treats them as close friends. “In my heart I understand that for each of them I am like a family. Thanks to the radio and television, I have been coming to their homes on holidays and on weekdays for decades, giving them a good mood with my songs,” Gurdova said.
The young talent started at the Ashgabat Palace of Pioneers in 1955, and two years later she became a soloist in the choir and performed at various public events. The family would let little girl perform at such events under personal care of the People’s Artist, composer Bayram Khudainazarov.
In her first year at Ashgabat secondary school No. 20, which was always famous for its graduates, Annagul became a soloist in the school choir, and, a year later, her first fame and recognition of the wide audience of listeners came to her. The country’s well-known artists such as children’s writer Kayum Tangrykuliev and composer Veli Akhmedov played a big role in this. Hearing the charming voice of the young singer, the poet and composer composed the first song for the talented girl. In the following years, the famous tandem of authors helped to quickly enlarge her repertoire by new compositions for children, including “Mekdebim” (My school), “Bahar geldi” (Spring has come), “Babajyk”, “G"ulnara”, “K"omelek hem g"ul"alek” (Mushrooms and flowers), “Gurjagym” (My doll), “Jigim jan” (My little sister), “My Firyuza”. These songs were not only listened to but also sung by thousands of Turkmen children.
As a schoolgirl, Gurdova participated in radio and television plays. This is how she met director Baba Annanov, who invited Annagul to star in a television film and taught her first acting skills. Beginning 1958, she began hosting children’s programs on the radio, including “Pioneer of Turkmenistan,” and four years later she made her debut on television as the host of the popular TV show “Red Tie”.
She travelled a lot across the country (then the USSR) and to foreign countries as part of Turkmen art delegations that allowed her to “bask in glory”. Starting at the age of 10, she visited Moscow, Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi, Dushanbe and other large cities of the Soviet Union. When she was at high school, she visited Bulgaria, India and the then Czechoslovakia. Thanks to “Mayak” radio station and All-Union television, the sonorous and at the same time velvety voice of the talented Turkmen girl was known throughout the large country. She received letters from different cities and villages, got pen pals whom she could also visit.
Annagul Gurdova hosted a youth program at the Turkmen radio station “Bahar” for 30 years, thus gaining the skills of an announcer and professional presenter. The interest of radio listeners in this program inspired her. The singer recalls with gratitude her mentors who supported her at the beginning of her art career. Among them were such outstanding personalities as People’s Artists of Turkmenistan Durdy Saparov, Baba Annanov, Sabr Ataeva, Sona Muradova, Liza Karaeva, Juma Yazmuradov, poets Kerim Kurbannepesov, Kurbannazar Ezizov and other talented people.
In her art career, the Turkmen singer met many famous people from different countries of the world. And there was also one fateful meeting in Annagul Gurdova’s life that she still remembers. It was a visit to the Roerichs’ house in India. The Turkmen delegation was welcomed and invited to his home by Svyatoslav Roerich. His wife, Indian film star Devika Rani, a surprisingly vibrant woman with large, dark and attentive eyes, had the gift of foresight. Seeing the seventeen-year-old girl, she said (Roerich translated from Hindi) that Annagul was always among people and would become very famous, but family and personal happiness would not come to her. And it happened so.
Singing became her life, a cure for all obstacles. The sisters’ families, their children and now grandchildren, whom the singer always helped, replaced her own family. It was not without Annagul’s involvement that the female part of the Gurdovs family became interested in the art of singing. Suffice it to recall that her sister, People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Orazgul Gurdova, also devoted herself to the art of singing. She is a popular performer of folk songs and serves at the Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater. Her niece, Gulshat Gurdova, is a modern Turkmen pop star. All talented Gurdovs have one thing in common – sincerity, openness, faith in goodness that certainly triumphs. “This is from my father. A war veteran, he reached Berlin, got five wounds. Through his example, he taught us to value and love life, to achieve goals, and he never prevented the development of children and especially girls. Teaching us to work from an early age, he gave us a room for creativity,” Annagul noted.
The roots of love and passion for the art of music can also be found in the family history. Her father loved music, played the dutar brilliantly, and her uncle Ata was a popular performer of the national wind instrument, Tuiduk. Ata-tuidukchi was his name.
Annagul Gurdova has no higher musical education. Her performance is noted for the absolute pitch, love for singing and original manner. Annagul graduated the university as a lawyer. Her natural adherence to principles and love of order led her to the Faculty of Law of the Turkmen State University. As a student, she successfully combined studies with numerous concerts. When she had to make a choice – work at law enforcement agencies or remain at the university as a teacher and continue her art career – she chose singing. Annagul became a teacher at the university department of theory of state and law and got postgraduate education by correspondence in Moscow. Yet, teaching was not for her. After some time, Annagul Gurdova totally devoted herself to the art of pop singing.
Her repertoire features many songs of different nations along with the songs by Turkmen composers. She especially favours the songs performed by Valentina Tolkunova, Lyudmila Zykina, Anna German, Polad Bulbul Ogly. Most recently, Annagul Gurdova released her favourite songs, including “Dear Mother,” “In my thoughts I remember,” “Why did you call me”. She brings her unique notes to them, her perception of life, which is why she is often asked to sing them at various concerts and art soirees.
People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Annagul Gurdova is now a singer of the highest category of the Cultural and Business Center of the State Concern “T"urkmengaz”. She continues her active creative work, for which she was awarded the medal “For Love of the Fatherland” in 2023. Patriotic songs dedicated to her native country have always occupied a significant and important part of her repertoire. The singer has been collaborating with the composer, People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Khudaynazar Amangeldyev for more than 50 years.
In 2024, which is held in Turkmenistan under the motto “Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fraghi”, Annagul Gurdova recorded new songs about the Motherland, including a dedication to the great classical poet Magtymguly Fraghi. The Miras TV channel is broadcasting a new original video of the singer on the lyrics of the poem “Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fraghi”. Shooting of the video clip “Gyzyl Kurte” (“Red Kurte” – women’s wedding clothing) has also been completed. It took place in the interiors of the National Museum of Turkmen Carpet, which gave the song and its performance a special flavour.
Annagul Gurdova is the treasure of the country, an active living legend of the Turkmen stage, who is addicted to signing that has been a faithful companion and the meaning of her life.


©Turkmenistan Analytic magazine, 2005