President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov participated in the ceremony of commissioning of the second stage of the Lebap cement plant with the capacity of 1 million tons of cement per year in Koytendag district of Lebap province. Speaking at the opening ceremony, the head of state noted that industry and construction materials production provide the construction sites and the population with the relevant high-quality building materials, namely cement. According to him, cement products labeled “Made in Turkmenistan” are now in great demand not only in the domestic but also international markets. The opening ceremony was also attended by Mate Resetar, chief equipment installation inspector of the contractor company Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH. He emphasized that it was a great honor for him and his colleagues to take part in the implementation of this high-tech project. “Together with our partners from Turkmenistan, we worked very hard to ensure that the plant becomes an important part of your country’s industry, and I am pleased to see today the impressive results of our joint efforts,” Mate Resetar. Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH, specializing in development of advanced technological solutions, expressed great interest in establishing long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with Turkmenistan and showed its readiness to contribute to the further successful development of the Turkmen economy. The installed equipment and engineering work carried out by Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH as part of the second stage of the construction project of the Lebap cement plant fully comply with international standards, namely German industrial standards – DIN, cement industry standards, IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards and ISO standards. In this regard, the representative of Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH presented the Minister of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan with a relevant certificate. Built and put into operation next to the first Lebap cement plant, the new industrial giant combines the latest achievements of modern industrial production. The new plant is designed to produce 1 million tons of cement per year. It features modern equipment from the world’s leading manufacturers. Ensuring full automation of all production processes and creating comfortable conditions for the effective work of 250 employees were the main criteria for the implementation of this project. Particular attention was paid to environmentally friendly production and compliance with the required environmental protection standards. According to estimates, the volumes of harmful substances released in the air during the production process are significantly less than the permissible concentrations. Powerful filters have been installed to intercept and purify dust emitted in the air. Considering the task of maximizing the use of existing potential and efficient processing of minerals, the plant has been built in a region with large reserves of the main types of raw materials necessary to produce cement. It is located in close proximity to their extraction sites. This factor will ensure uninterrupted operation of production and reduce the cost of final products. The new plant has a laboratory and a technical control department to control the production process and quality of products. In addition, it will also have its own repair shop. According to experts, the second stage of the Lebap cement plant will ensure high-performance, economically viable and environmentally friendly production of an important building material, without which not a single construction project in the country can be completed. It is important to note that the country, pursuing the course for industrialization, pays special attention to the construction of modern enterprises equipped with innovative technologies, the steady increase in production capacity and ensuring high quality and competitiveness of construction products made from local raw materials. Following the instructions of the head of state, geological exploration work is being actively carried out to identify new promising mineral deposits, the results of which directly contribute to increasing the capacity of the industrial complex and production of building materials and other products that are popular in the country and abroad. A well-established production of cement is a striking example of the effective use of the rich resources of the Turkmen land. There is no doubt that the impressive investments in the construction sector, favorable investment climate created in the country and the efficient measures of state support for national entrepreneurship have led to the success of the urban development policy, within the framework of which hundreds of industrial and social facilities are built and reconstructed in the capital and regions every year. The large-scale work that turned Turkmenistan into a huge construction site is clear evidence of the constructive, socially oriented policy aimed at ensuring a prosperous and happy life in the country, creating the relevant infrastructure in cities and villages that meets the social needs of the population.